The Dirac Delta Function: A Pillar of Modern Physics

PHYSICXION:The Dirac Delta function, denoted as δ(x), is one of the most important and intriguing concepts in both mathematical physics, engineering


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The Dirac Delta Function: A Pillar of Modern Physics

The Dirac Delta function, denoted as δ(x), is one of the most important and intriguing concepts in both mathematical physics and engineering. Named after the physicist Paul Dirac, this "function" is unique because it challenges our traditional notions of what a function should be, but in doing so, it becomes an incredibly powerful tool in analyzing physical systems. It plays a key role in fields ranging from quantum mechanics to signal processing, and its applications in physics are vast, including solving differential equations, describing point charges, and modeling impulse forces. Let’s dive into the core ideas behind the Dirac Delta function and explore its properties, functionality, and significance.

Historical Background

The Dirac delta function was introduced by Paul Dirac in the 1930s to model localized phenomena in quantum mechanics, particularly representing particle positions. The function is zero everywhere except at a single point, with an integral of 1. However, it lacked rigorous mathematical definition until Laurent Schwartz formalized it in the 1940s-50s through distribution theory.

What is the Dirac Delta Function?

At its core, the Dirac Delta function is not a function in the conventional sense. Instead, it is known as a "distribution" or "generalized function." Mathematically, it can be thought of as having the following properties
  • Zero Everywhere Except at Zero:
  • Infinite at Zero: The Dirac delta function is infinitely large at
    x=0, but in a very special way.
  • Unit Integral: The defining property of the Dirac delta function is that its integral over all space is equal to 1:
    δ(x)dx=1\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(x) \, dx = 1
  • What makes the delta function so useful is that it "picks out" the value of a function at a specific point. For any continuous function
    f(x), the delta function has the following property:

  • Sifting Property: f(x)δ(xa)dx=f(a)\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta(x - a) \, dx = f(a)This property allows us to evaluate a function at a particular point x=ax = a by integrating it with the Dirac delta function. In essence, the delta function isolates or "samples" the value of f(x)f(x) at the point x=ax = a.

Properties of the Dirac Delta Function:

The Dirac Delta function possesses several key properties that make it indispensable in solving physical problems.

1. Scaling Property


\delta(ax) = \frac{1}{|a|} \delta(x)

This property means that if the argument of the delta function is scaled, the function itself is scaled inversely by the magnitude of that scaling factor. This is important in cases where you need to normalize or adjust the scale of a delta function to fit different coordinate systems.


To derive this property, consider a substitution in the integral

f(x)δ(ax)dx\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta(ax) \, dx

Let u=ax, so du=adx and the limits of integration stay the same because x ranges over all real numbers. The integral becomes

f(ua)δ(u)dua=1af(0)\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f\left(\frac{u}{a}\right) \delta(u) \frac{du}{a} = \frac{1}{|a|} f(0)
Thus, we have
δ(ax)=1aδ(x)\delta(ax) = \frac{1}{|a|} \delta(x)

2. Shifted Delta Function

δ(xa)\delta(x - a)
This form of the delta function represents a shifted impulse that is zero everywhere except at x=a. Its integral over any region containing a will still yield 1, maintaining its defining property.

This shifted delta function is zero everywhere except at x=a, where it has the same "spike-like" behavior. The integral overall space is still 1

f(x)δ(xa)dx=f(a)\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta(x - a) \, dx = f(a)

This allows you to evaluate a function f(x) at the point x=a.


This integral shows that:
  • The Dirac delta function δ(xa)\delta(x - a) is zero everywhere except at x=ax = a, where it is "infinite" in such a way that its integral over the entire real line is 1.
  • The function f(x)f(x) is evaluated at x=ax = a because the delta function essentially "picks out" the value of f(x)f(x) at that point.
In the intermediate step

δ(xa)f(x)dx=δ(xa)f(a)dx=f(a)δ(xa)dx\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(x - a) f(x) \, dx = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(x - a) f(a) \, dx = f(a) \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(x - a) \, dxSince ,
δ(xa)dx=1\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(x - a) \, dx = 1
the result simplifies to:

This key property of the delta function is fundamental in distribution theory and in applications like signal processing, quantum mechanics, and differential equations. It allows for precise mathematical descriptions of physical phenomena that are localized at a specific point, such as an impulse or point charge.

Example of Shifting property of dirac delta function on website physicsxion demonstration with x square functon
example of shifting properties of Dirac delta function with the graph

3. Symmetry

The delta function is symmetric:
δ(x)=δ(x)\delta(x) = \delta(-x)

This property allows us to treat the delta function consistently under various transformations, such as reflections.

4. Derivative of the Delta Function

The Dirac delta function has a well-defined derivative in the sense of distributions:

ddxδ(x)\frac{d}{dx} \delta(x)

This is not a "normal" derivative in the classical sense but is used in situations where we want to differentiate with respect to a parameter inside the delta function. For any smooth function
f(x), we have:

The delta function's derivative is crucial for modeling impulse responses that involve sudden changes, such as forces or voltage spikes.


The Dirac delta function can be differentiated in the sense of distributions. The derivative of the delta function, δ′(x), satisfies the following property

f(x)δ(x)dx=f(0)\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta'(x) \, dx = -f'(0)In general, the nth derivative of the delta function δ(n)(x) satisfies:


\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta'(x) \, dx = -f'(0)

To derive this, consider an integration by parts:

f(x)δ(x)dx=[f(x)δ(x)]f(x)δ(x)dx\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta'(x) \, dx = \left[ f(x) \delta(x) \right]_{-\infty}^{\infty} - \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f'(x) \delta(x) \, dx
Since f(x) is zero at the boundaries, this simplifies to:

f(x)δ(x)dx=f(0)\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta'(x) \, dx = -f'(0)

5. Fourier Transform of the Delta Function

The Dirac delta function is also critical in Fourier analysis. Its Fourier transform is a constant:

δ(x)eikxdx=1\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(x) e^{-ikx} \, dx = 1
This is vital in signal processing, as it implies that the delta function is the neutral element under convolution, meaning it leaves other signals unchanged when convolved with them.

The Fourier transform of the Dirac delta function is a constant:

F{δ(x)}=δ(x)eikxdx=1This result shows that the delta function contains all frequencies equally and is neutral in the frequency domain.
Inverse Fourier Transform:


This is a useful result in signal processing and quantum mechanics because it shows how the delta function is related to the harmonic components of a signal.

6. Convolution with the Delta Function

Convolution of any function f(x) with the delta function leaves the function unchanged:

(fδ)(x)=f(x)δ(xx)dx=f(x)This is because the delta function "samples" the value of the function at point x.

7. Algebraic Properties

Multiplication by a Variable:

One of the essential algebraic properties of the Dirac delta function is that any term involving x⋅δ(x) vanishes:
xδ(x)=0This is a direct consequence of the fact that δ(x) is zero everywhere except at x=0, so multiplying it by x eliminates any non-zero contribution.
More generally, for any positive integer n:
because δ(x−a)only has support at x=a, where (xa)n=0.

Uniqueness of Distributions:

If two distributions f(x) and g(x)satisfy x⋅f(x)=x⋅g(x), then they must differ only by a multiple of δ(x):

f(x)=g(x)+cδ(x)where c is a constant. 
This is due to the special nature of δ(x) and its "point-like" behavior.

8. Compositions with Functions

A particularly useful property of the delta function is its behavior under composition with smooth functions. If g(x) is a continuously differentiable function, then the following change of variables formula holds:
δ(g(x))f(g(x))g(x)dx=g(R)δ(u)f(u)du\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta(g(x)) f(g(x)) |g'(x)| \, dx = \int_{g(\mathbb{R})} \delta(u) f(u) \, duprovided that g′(x)≠0 everywhere. This formula generalizes the delta function to more complex arguments and is essential when working with transformations of variables in integrals.

 In the special case where g(x) has a root at x0​, we have:δ(g(x))=δ(xx0)g(x0)∣​This property is used to define the delta function in terms of the roots of smooth functions.
For example, if,

then the roots are
x=±α, and we get:


If you have a function
g(x)=x2α2g(x) = x^2 - \alpha^2,
and you apply the Dirac delta function to it, we can derive how δ(g(x))\delta(g(x))behaves.
You want to express

Factor the argument of the delta function:

Thus, we now have:δ(g(x))=δ((xα)(x+α))

Use the property of the delta function for a product of terms:

The delta function δ(g(x)) satisfies the following relation when g(x) is differentiable with respect to x

δ(g(x))=iδ(xxi)g(xi)\delta(g(x)) = \sum_i \frac{\delta(x - x_i)}{|g'(x_i)|}where xi are the simple roots of g(x)=0, and g′(xi) is the derivative of g(x) evaluated at the roots.

Find the roots of

The function

g(x)=x2α2=0g(x) = x^2 - \alpha^2 = 0

 has two roots:

x1=α,x2=αx_1 = \alpha, \quad x_2 = -\alpha
Compute the derivative
At the two roots:
g(α)=2α,g(α)=2αg'(\alpha) = 2\alpha, \quad g'(-\alpha) = -2\alpha

Use the delta function identity:

We now substitute into the delta function:
Final result:
δ(x2α2)=12α(δ(xα)+δ(x+α))\delta(x^2 - \alpha^2) = \frac{1}{2|\alpha|} \left( \delta(x - \alpha) + \delta(x + \alpha) \right)

This result shows that the delta function applied to

g(x) = x^2 - \alpha^2

splits into two delta functions, one located at
x=α and the other at x=−α, each scaled by 12α\frac{1}{2|\alpha|}
This is consistent with the fact that g(x)g(x)has two simple roots at α\alpha and α.


We are tasked with evaluating the integral,



1. Use the property of the Dirac delta function:

The Dirac delta function has the sifting property, which states that for a function

2. Set
In our case, the delta function argument is 3x−2, so:

g(x)=3x2We need to find where g(x)=0,3x2=0    x=23​

3. Compute the derivative g′(x):

The derivative of g(x) with respect to x is:g(x)=ddx(3x2)=3

4. Use the sifting property of the delta function:

Now, apply the sifting property:I=δ(3x2)x2dx=x2g(x)x=23

Substitute the root

 and g(x)=3:

5. Final calculation:
Final result:

Indefinite Integral of the Dirac Delta Function

The indefinite integral of the Dirac delta function is related to the Heaviside step function H(x):xδ(ta)dt=H(xa)\int_{-\infty}^{x} \delta(t - a) \, dt = H(x - a)
Thus, integrating the delta function up to a certain point gives a step-like function that jumps from 0 to 1 at x=a.

Delta Function in Multiple Dimensions

The Dirac delta function generalizes to higher-dimensional spaces. In
n-dimensional space, the delta function is written as:
δ(n)(r)=δ(x1)δ(x2)δ(xn)\delta^{(n)}(\mathbf{r}) = \delta(x_1) \delta(x_2) \cdots \delta(x_n)
This multi-dimensional delta function is used in problems involving point charges, point sources, or any phenomenon localized to a single point in n-dimensional space.
In particular, the delta function satisfies the following scaling property in n dimensions:δ(αr)=1αnδ(r)\delta(\alpha \mathbf{r}) = \frac{1}{|\alpha|^n} \delta(\mathbf{r})This property is important for understanding how the delta function behaves under changes of scale in different dimensions.

Delta Function as a Surface Integral

In advanced applications, such as potential theory, the Dirac delta function is related to surface integrals over certain manifolds. For a smooth hypersurface S in n-dimensional space, the delta function can be associated with the surface integral:δS[g]=Sg(s)dσ(s)where σ(s) is the measure on the surface S. This concept appears in problems involving layer potentials, surface charges, and other phenomena localized to surfaces rather than points.

The Dirac Delta Function in Higher Dimensions

In n-dimensional space, the Dirac delta function generalizes to:


In three dimensions, for example, the delta function is written as:

δ(3)(r)=δ(x)δ(y)δ(z)\delta^{(3)}(\mathbf{r}) = \delta(x) \delta(y) \delta(z)

It is used to describe point sources such as point charges in electromagnetism or point masses in gravitation. For example, the charge density of a point charge q at position r0​ is:


\rho(\mathbf{r}) = q \delta^{(3)}(\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_0)

The Dirac Delta Function in 3-D Dimensional spherical coordinate

In three dimensions, the delta function is represented in spherical coordinates by:

description of formulas Dirac delta in 3-D spherical coordinates on physicxion

The Functionality of the Dirac Delta in Physics

1. Modeling Point Charges in Electromagnetism

In electromagnetism, the delta function is used to describe point charges. For example, the charge density of a point charge q located at a position r0 can be written as:


This allows for a precise mathematical description of a charge distribution that is concentrated at a single point, an idealization used frequently in theoretical physics.

2. Green’s Functions and Solutions to Differential Equations

The Dirac delta function is central to the construction of Green's functions, which are used to solve inhomogeneous differential equations. A Green's function G(x,x′) satisfies

LG(x,x)=δ(xx)L G(x, x') = \delta(x - x')where L is a differential operator. In this context, the delta function represents a localized source or disturbance, and the Green’s function provides the response of the system to that disturbance.

3. Quantum Mechanics and the Schrödinger Equation

In quantum mechanics, the Dirac delta function is used to describe potential wells or barriers that are infinitely narrow but still affect particle behavior. It also appears in the Born approximation for scattering and in the representation of states in terms of wave functions:
xp=12πeipx/Here, the delta function plays a role in normalizing the states and defining localized particles in space.

4. Impulse Response in Classical Mechanics

In classical mechanics, the delta function is used to model impulse forces. An impulse, that applies a large force over a very short time interval, can be represented by a delta function in the time domain:

This expresses the idea that a sudden, instantaneous force is applied at a particular moment in time

5. Signal Processing and Systems Theory

The delta function is essential in signal processing as it represents the "impulse" input. The response of a system to a delta function input is called the impulse response, which can be used to understand the behavior of linear systems. Convolution with the delta function yields the original signal, demonstrating its role as a mathematical "identity."

Geometrical and Physical Interpretation

  • Geometrically: The delta function is a spike at x=0, with an infinitely small width and an infinitely large height, constrained such that the area under the spike remains 1. It is a limiting case of functions that get narrower and taller, focusing all their "weight" on a single point.
  • Physically: The Dirac delta function is used to model idealized point phenomena. For example, in physics, a point charge or point mass can be modeled using a delta function to represent a quantity (charge, mass, or force) that is concentrated at a single point in space.

Importance of the Dirac Delta Function in Physics

The Dirac delta function’s ability to represent localized phenomena makes it an indispensable tool in mathematical physics. Its unique properties allow physicists and engineers to model idealized systems where a physical quantity (such as charge, mass, or force) is concentrated at a single point. Furthermore, its use in solving differential equations makes it a fundamental element in nearly every area of physics:
  • In quantum mechanics, it helps describe particle localization and state normalization.
  • In electrodynamics, it defines the behavior of point charges and current distributions.
  • In classical mechanics, it models instantaneous forces and momentary impacts.
In short, the Dirac delta function is more than just a mathematical curiosity—it's an essential tool for simplifying complex systems and providing precise solutions to a wide range of physical problems. Its versatility in applications, from quantum theory to signal processing, proves its importance in both theoretical and applied physics.

The Dirac Delta as an Idealized Spike

The Dirac delta function is a powerful mathematical tool that represents an idealized "spike" concentrated at a single point. It is not a function in the traditional sense, but rather a distribution that becomes infinitely narrow and tall in a limit process. Its ability to model point phenomena, such as point charges or instantaneous forces, makes it invaluable in physics and engineering. The delta function’s sifting property allows it to isolate the value of other functions at a given point, making it essential for solving differential equations, defining Green's functions, and analyzing signals in systems theory.
By thinking of the Dirac delta as the limit of a family of functions with vanishing width and increasing height, we can appreciate its role as a spike in mathematical and physical systems.

To understand the Dirac delta function δ(x) as a "spike," we can begin by thinking of it as an idealized limiting process. The Dirac delta function can be approximated by a family of functions that have certain characteristics, such as being nonzero over a narrow region but integrating to 1 over their domain. As the width of that region becomes infinitesimally small, the function approaches the Dirac delta function.

We’ll explore this concept by introducing a representation of δ(x) using a parameter ϵ that defines the width of the spike. As ϵ approaches 0, the function becomes more and more concentrated at a single point, while still having an integral of 1 over the entire real line.

Approximation to Dirac Delta as a Limit

1. Initial Approximation Using a Simple Function:
Consider a function δϵ(x) that is defined as:δϵ(x)={1ϵif x<ϵ20otherwiseThis is a rectangular-shaped function of height 1ϵ and width ϵ. Its total integral over the real line is 1, since:δϵ(x)dx=ϵ/2ϵ/21ϵdx=1So, as long as ϵ\epsilon is finite, this function represents a "bump" that is localized around x=0 with area 1.

2. Taking the Limit

Now, as we make ϵ smaller and smaller, the function
δϵ(x) becomes narrower and taller, while still maintaining its total integral as 1. In the limit as
ϵ0, the function
δϵ(x) becomes infinitely tall at
x=0, but is zero everywhere else. Formally, this limiting process defines the Dirac delta function:
limϵ0δϵ(x)=δ(x)The result is a spike centered at x=0 that is zero everywhere except at that point, and yet its integral over all space is still 1. This is the key idea behind the Dirac delta function: it is an "infinitely thin" and "infinitely tall" spike with a total area of 1.
3. Mathematical Representation:
The Dirac delta function can thus be thought of as:

δ(x)=limϵ0δϵ(x)Where δϵ(x) is any appropriate sequence of functions that satisfies the following two key properties:
  • It integrates to 1 over all space: δϵ(x)dx=1
  • It becomes concentrated at x=0 as ϵ0:

4. Why is it a Spike?:

As ϵ→0, the function δϵ(x) becomes infinitely narrow and approaches zero everywhere except at x=0, where it becomes infinitely tall. In other words, the "height" of the function increases as its "width" decreases, but its total integral always remains 1. The result is a spike that effectively selects out the value of a function at the point where the spike occurs, which leads to the sifting property:f(x)δ(xa)dx=f(a)This property captures the essence of the delta function's ability to "pick out" the value of a function at a particular point, much like how a spike isolates a single point in space or time.

Other Representations of the Dirac Delta Function

There are various other ways to approximate the Dirac delta function using different families of functions. Here are two examples:
  1. Gaussian Approximation:
    δϵ(x)=1πϵex2/ϵ\delta_\epsilon(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi\epsilon}} e^{-x^2 / \epsilon}
    ϵ0, this Gaussian function becomes narrower and taller, and in the limit, it approaches the Dirac delta function.
  2. Lorentzian Approximation:
    δϵ(x)=ϵπ(x2+ϵ2)\delta_\epsilon(x) = \frac{\epsilon}{\pi(x^2 + \epsilon^2)}This Lorentzian (Cauchy) distribution also becomes a spike at x=0 as ϵ→0.

example of delta spike from gaussian, lorentzian, rectangular approximation on physicxion
demonstration of delta spike from three special functions 


Delta Function as a Limit of Functions

The Dirac delta function can be constructed as the limit of a family of functions that become more "concentrated" around x=0 while preserving the integral of 1. These functions include:

(a) Gaussian Approximation:

The Gaussian function:δϵ(x)=1πϵex2/ϵ\delta_\epsilon(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi \epsilon}} e^{-x^2 / \epsilon}
As ϵ→0, this Gaussian becomes infinitely narrow and tall, and approaches the Dirac delta function:

limϵ0δϵ(x)=δ(x)\lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \delta_\epsilon(x) = \delta(x)

The total integral remains 1, even in the limit:δϵ(x)dx=1\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \delta_\epsilon(x) \, dx = 1

(b) Lorentzian Approximation:

The Lorentzian (Cauchy) function:δϵ(x)=ϵπ(x2+ϵ2)\delta_\epsilon(x) = \frac{\epsilon}{\pi(x^2 + \epsilon^2)}
As ϵ→0, this function also converges to the Dirac delta function:


(c) Rectangular Approximation:

The rectangular function:δϵ(x)={1ϵif x<ϵ20otherwise\delta_\epsilon(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{\epsilon} & \text{if } |x| < \frac{\epsilon}{2} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}As ϵ→0, this function becomes infinitely tall and narrow, and approaches the Dirac delta function.

Dirac Comb and its Relationship with Dirac Delta and Kronecker Delta

Dirac Comb (or Impulse Train):

The Dirac Comb is essentially an infinite sum of Dirac delta functions spaced periodically. It is used to model periodic impulses or repetitions in time and space. Mathematically, the Dirac comb can be written as:
T is the period of the comb, and the delta functions are centered at multiples of
nT. This structure is very important in sampling theory, as it represents a train of evenly spaced impulses, which corresponds to discrete sampling of continuous signals.
Fourier Series Representation of Dirac Comb:

One important relationship is the Fourier series of a Dirac comb. If the spacing of the Dirac comb in the time domain is T, its Fourier transform will produce a comb in the frequency domain with a period

In one dimension, the Dirac comb has the remarkable property that its Fourier transform is itself another Dirac comb:

This means that periodic repetition in one domain leads to periodic repetition in the other.

Kronecker Delta Function:

The Kronecker Delta δij is a discrete function used in discrete mathematics and linear algebra. It is defined as:
δij={1,if i=j0,if ij
The Kronecker delta essentially "picks out" terms in sums where the indices are equal. It acts as the discrete counterpart of the Dirac delta function in continuous space.

Relationship between Dirac Delta and Kronecker Delta:

The Dirac Delta function and Kronecker Delta function are related in the sense that the Dirac Delta can be viewed as a continuous version of the Kronecker Delta.
  • Dirac Delta (Continuous): The Dirac delta applies to continuous spaces, and it "picks out" values of a continuous variable:
    f(x)δ(xa)dx=f(a)\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta(x - a) dx = f(a)
  • Kronecker Delta (Discrete): The Kronecker delta applies to discrete spaces, and it "picks out" specific values in summations:
Both deltas act as identity elements in their respective contexts. In signal processing and discretization, the Dirac delta function can be sampled to produce the Kronecker delta when dealing with discrete points.

Dirac Comb as a Bridge Between Dirac Delta and Kronecker Delta:

The Dirac comb plays an important role in linking the Dirac delta and Kronecker delta. Consider what happens when we sample a continuous signal at regular intervals:
  • When the Dirac delta function is sampled periodically, we effectively get discrete points that resemble the Kronecker delta.
  • Conversely, if you look at the Kronecker delta over a large enough grid or lattice, you can think of it as representing the sampled version of the Dirac delta in a discrete domain.
Thus, we can think of the Dirac comb as a periodic arrangement of Dirac delta functions, and under appropriate sampling conditions, it helps transition between continuous delta functions and their discrete Kronecker delta counterparts.

Summary of Relationships:

  • The Dirac Delta function applies to continuous functions and is used to isolate values of continuous variables.
  • The Kronecker Delta function applies to discrete systems and is used to isolate specific terms in sums.
  • The Dirac Comb is a periodic sum of Dirac delta functions, used to model periodic structures or impulses, and connects the continuous and discrete world.
These functions and their relationships are fundamental in areas such as signal processing, quantum mechanics, and systems theory, where both continuous and discrete representations of data and functions are important.


The Dirac delta function is a powerful and versatile tool in both theoretical and applied physics. Its ability to model idealized point-like phenomena, as well as its role in integral transformations and Fourier analysis, makes it indispensable across a wide range of fields. Whether it's describing charge distributions in electromagnetism, impulses in mechanical systems, or representing point masses in gravitation, the delta function simplifies the mathematics of complex systems with localized effects. Its properties, such as scaling, shifting, and composition with other functions, make it a flexible and essential component of modern mathematical physics.

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